Agenda aberta para Agosto 2024!

Gravações em Salvador, Mixagem e Masterização (não presenciais)

Podcast chat for Brazilian portal

A couple of weeks ago I had a quick chat with Ramon Prates for Pocilga's podcast "Varacast" .
We are speaking Portuguese, so... if you understand it, please have some fun listening us talk about my career with video…

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Working on Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Let me tell you a quick story:  

October 2012 I started working with Brian on the Papo & Yo original soundtrack.  

This was his first video-game project and it was as close as I’ve ever been to anything related to soundtracks or video game music.  

Jump a few months ahead, (about summer 2013) and the Tomb Raider reboot was released.  
After playing the game I told Brian: “Dude, I can totally see you working in a Tomb Raider game!!”  
A couple years later, guess which project Brian was invited to pitch to? Yep… you guessed it right… FUCKING TOMB RAIDER!!!!!!!!! 

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Briga - "Femme" is a Juno nominee

I'm super-very-ultra-mega-proud that my great friend Briga has been nominated for the Juno Award for World Music Album 2017.
Go girl!!!!!!!

Studio Life Snippets ep. 2 - The drum "re-amping"

I always liked to create my own sounds... using outobard FX, or stacking plugins, or recording the sound of a specific track through a room, or through a piece of gear that was not supposed to handle that signal... whatever... try something different.

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Free EMT140-like plugin!

We all know SoundToys do AMAZING sounding plugins... so why would you NOT get their free EMT 140 Plate interpretation?

The only reason you wouldn't get it, is if you don't have and don't want to have an iLok…

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Interview for "Ver-O-Pop" Blog in Brazil

Just because It's been quiet here doesn't mean it's slow in the real world...
Here is a little interview I did for a blog in Brazil... yeah... it's in Portuguese ;)

Clink the link below if you want.

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Resident Evil 7 - Biohazard is OUT!!!

Ok, if 17 years ago when I started trying to record stuff on a 4 track Tascam cassete recorder, someone told me that I would be part of the team responsible for one of my favorite video-game franchises, I would say that was just crazy talk.

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